title 9

Under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972:

Title IX prohibits sex discrimination in educational institutions that receive federal funding. Under Title IX, schools are legally required to respond and remedy hostile educational environments and failure to do so is a violation that means a school could risk losing its federal funding.

The White Sulphur School District is committed to providing students a safe and healthy learning environment. We understand that parents and students will have concerns and it is important to us that we address these concerns. Should you feel at any time that you or your child(s) education is being impeded on the merits of sexual discrimination we ask that you please contact the school's Title IX Coordinator listed below. It is the responsibility of the Title IX Coordinator to respond in a timely fashion as to the process for moving forward. When in doubt, please feel free to contact the Title IX Coordinator, school principal, or the superintendent with any questions.

Title IX Coordinator

Meredith Feddes - Superintendent

