There will only be 1/2 JV boys tonight. Games will continue immediately following the game before.
27 days ago, Meredith Feddes
Adult Education is providing a class on Etsy basics.
about 1 month ago, Abbie Richardson
Coming home in folders today. Little Hornet basketball.
about 1 month ago, Meredith Feddes
The Hornet Country Career Readiness Fair is returning for its second year, and submissions are officially open for employers, resources, and more. The focus of this fair is for those students who are interested in career bound options after high school, including but not limited to school to work, apprenticeships and specialized training, and military options. We will also have a new feature this year with a limited number of specialized demonstrations and/or interactive exhibits. If you are interested in participating as a vendor or exhibit, please complete the form linked below. Confirmation emails will be sent for all tables and demonstrations at the beginning of February. More information in how to participate in the fair as a student or community member will be announced at a later date. Questions can be directed to the School Counselor, Tiffany Sweeney at To participate as a vendor, complete the form linked here:
about 1 month ago, Tiffany Sweeney
Honeycomb with hornet logo for the career fair
Due to road conditions today's games against Gardiner are rescheduled for January 24th. Stay safe and warm at home.
about 1 month ago, Meredith Feddes
Due to road conditions Manhattan Christian game is cancelled and rescheduled for January 27th.
about 1 month ago, Meredith Feddes
Continental Breakfast in the cafeteria. Yummmmm! Mrs. Claus(aka Ruth). And her elves are here to welcome you. Merry Christmas to staff, students, parents and community.
about 2 months ago, Meredith Feddes
National Honor Society Elves. Great job wrapping.
about 2 months ago, Meredith Feddes
Honor society
PAX Leaders for December 20th game against Shields. Congratulations Carmen Gore and Chatin Nightingale.
about 2 months ago, Meredith Feddes
PAX Leaders
The staff participated in some "Reindeer Games" this morning with "Buddy the Elf." We definitely have some competitors around here! What a fun way to start the morning!
about 2 months ago, Lacey Arthun
Girls Basketball for December 17th is cancelled. It is rescheduled for February 15th.
about 2 months ago, Meredith Feddes
Students: Please join in the Christmas fun.
about 2 months ago, Meredith Feddes
Please see the link for the upcoming December 17, 2024 Regular Board Meeting Agenda.
about 2 months ago, Kristi Sangray
Harlowton Hoopfest December 13th Varsity Boys vs. Fergus JV 12:00 Varsity Girls vs. Forsyth 1:30 December 14th Varsity Boys vs. Turner 2:00 Varsity Girls vs. Harlo 6:30
about 2 months ago, Meredith Feddes
Join us on December 16th at 6:30 in the multi-purpose gym!
2 months ago, Lacey Arthun
Games at Whitehall Please note change JV Boys 4:00 pm Varsity Girls 5:30 pm Varsity Boys 7:00 pm
2 months ago, Meredith Feddes
School District No. 8 White Sulphur Springs, Montana Thursday, December 5, 2024 6:00 p.m. White Sulphur Springs School Conference Room Transportation Committee Transportation Handbook Bus Quotes Other Items Adjourn
2 months ago, Meredith Feddes
There will be pep band practice this Thursday 12/5 at 6:30 pm.
2 months ago, Cheri Larson
Mrs. Hanson's FCS classes prepared a Thanksgiving feast. It was delicious and the students did an awesome job with presentation. Thank you for the many life akillls taught Mrs. Hanson.
2 months ago, Meredith Feddes
Thanksgiving Feast
Thanksgiving Feast
In the First Grade, they learned about the Macy's Day Parade and got to create their own parade balloon.
2 months ago, Katrina Feddes
Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade Project