Volleyball and football are off and running. The first Friday Night Lights will be played on August 30th. 4 pm game time for Junior High and 7 pm kickoff for Varsity. Girls will begin their season at a tournament in Belt on Saturday. Good Luck Hornets.
5 months ago, Meredith Feddes
football practice
volleyball practice
Doug Urban is our 6th grade teacher this year. A faithful follower of 4th grade curriculum he was. He offered to make the switch and has done a great job of getting our 6th grade settled this year. Mr. Urban is also that go to when someone needs a duty covered or help a staff member with a weak stomach. Mr. Urban attends student activities and supports athletics for all students. He may also be seen driving in a Ford Mustang in his spare time.
6 months ago, Meredith Feddes
Our K-12 Art teacher is Jessica Settlemire. She provides students of all ages the ability to express themselves in multi-modal ways. Stay tuned throughout the year for bulletin boards filled with awesome work, activities where art will be displayed and on here for some of the most fantastic works. She is also the brave soul who teaches our students to drive. Driver's Education teachers are rare, amazing individuals who get in cars with teenagers with undeveloped frontal cortex to make decisions with large metal objects. Please give Jessica a big thank you when you see her.
6 months ago, Meredith Feddes
Jessica Settlemire
Our First day has been fantastic. We started off with cinnamon rolls for breakfast. Students and parents met teachers and were welcomed to school. Our seniors posed with the Hornet. Our Junior High and High School prepped for Homecoming. Our elementary students learned rules and strategies.
6 months ago, Meredith Feddes
cinnamon rolls by Ruth
Senior Class
Hornet cake
bulletin board
Looking for instructors for new classes through our Adult Education program. Be on the lookout for a few upcoming classes; grocery shopping tips and tricks, bread baking series, and fitness classes!
6 months ago, Abbie Richardson
adult Ed
Mr. Flores is our 7-12 Science Teacher. He comes to us from the Philippines. H e has offered cultural exchange ideas and projects for our students and they are interesting and engaging. He also has a love of basketball and is coaching Junior High Boys this year. Please visit with Mr. Flores about science, basketball or his culture.
6 months ago, Meredith Feddes
Cyrus Flores
We have a new staff member in Physical Education this year, Caitlin Boreczky. Caitlin is familiar to some as she has been in the community for some time. She is a Health and Human Performance major and is excited to get our kids moving. Her enthusiasm and excitement for fitness will be an asset to our students. Please Welcome Caitlin.
6 months ago, Meredith Feddes
Caitlin Boreczky
Switching gears for today. All staff will be in training tomorrow and Tuesday. We have the pleasure of hosting Mr. Wayne Black for those two days as well. Mr. Black will be presenting on security in our school. There will be a community portion offered for question and answers at 4:00 Monday in the multipurpose room. Please join us for ways to keep our students safe.
6 months ago, Meredith Feddes
Wayne Black
We would like to welcome our K-12 principal to the Hornet family, Lacey Arthun. Lacey comes to us from the Shields River. She has loads of energy, fantastic thoughts and ideas and an open door to share. Please stop by and introduce yourselves. We are excited to have her on the team.
6 months ago, Meredith Feddes
Lacey Arthun
A Special Board Meeting will be held August 20, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. to consider adopting the 2024-2025 budget. Please click on the link to view the agenda. https://5il.co/2tzkg
6 months ago, Kristi Sangray
The August Regular Board Meeting is scheduled for August 20, 2024 at 6:00. Please click on the link to view the agenda information. https://5il.co/2tzjl
6 months ago, Kristi Sangray
Katrina Feddes is our Business/Ag/ work Based LearningTeacher. She will also be taking care of all our technology needs, be the BPA advisor and coach JH girls basketball. Her positive attitude and enthusiasm for learning will be needed with multiple classes and having MTDA students in her room. She also has mad sprinkler repair skills.
6 months ago, Meredith Feddes
Katrina Feddes
Charlotte Kalstrom is our K-8 Special Education Teacher. Charlotte brings a quiet, calm to our students. She is fun loving and nurtures our students who are struggling with academics or behavior. She is a hardworking member of our staff who loves working with student, staff and parents.
6 months ago, Meredith Feddes
Charlotte Kalstrom
Our music teacher is Eve Lomax. Eve has an infectious smile and attitude. She demonstrates to all her love of music in the classroom and in the community. She has helped get our younger students to events to help with their music literacy and enjoyment in learning. Her concerts are well done with students being prepared for fun and entertainment. She helps with sound for other events and is a part of the Meagher County Arts Council. She is working on reinstating the Pep Band with students and community members. If you are interested in joining the band please visit with Eve.
6 months ago, Meredith Feddes
Eve Lomax
A big THANK YOU to Bank of the Rockies for providing this for our students!
6 months ago, Lacey Arthun
School Supply Giveaway
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day it is said. We believe every meal served by our Nutrition Team is. Welcome to the most amazing meal makers Ruth Holmes and Melody Forkin. No, I haven't forgotten all the delicious main courses made last year Ruth! Ruth joined our team last year. She makes delicious homecooked meals and there is always the cinnamon rolls that draw us in. Her warm personality is a welcomed addition to our lunchroom for staff and students. Melody has been in the kitchen for a year. She has fantastic ideas and a smile that warms the entire lunchroom.
6 months ago, Meredith Feddes
Nutrition Team
HOMECOMING!!! Dress Up Days Tuesday, Sept. 3rd: Ugly Sweater/Shirt (Christmas in September) Wednesday, Sept. 4th: Pink! Thursday, Sept. 5th: Pajama Day Friday, Sept. 6th: Orange and Black
6 months ago, Nancy Heggen
White Sulphur Schools are fortunate to have a crew of amazing bus drivers. They are a bit shy in sharing photos so perhaps at a later date. Keith McDanel has been on the road for a route and activities for a number of years. He also assists in maintaining the fleet, making them safe with MHP and keeping us on track with trainings. Keith will again be during the Martinsdale route. Tim McGuire has helped us out for years on routes and activity trips. Tim will be seen at many activities throughout the year. Melody Forkin joined the driving crew three years ago. She filled a lot much needed vacancy. Melody will be driving the Grassy Mountain Route. Our last driver comes to us from Washington State. Rhonda O'day has 28 years of driving in and is a welcome addition. Rhonda will be driving the Fort Logan Route. These individuals get us to school, to activities and must important if all field trips! Thank you for your service.
6 months ago, Meredith Feddes
School Bus
The Master Schedule for the 2024-2025 for all junior high and high school classes can be found on the link below, as updated August 12, 2024. https://5il.co/2tfnf
6 months ago, Tiffany Sweeney
Fifth grade will be taught by Signe Freeze. Signe student taught here in the spring and has joined the team for the 2024-25 school year. She has already stepped up to be the FFA advisor. She has energy that will help keep the 5th grade challenged and working towards goals. This is evident as she spent the summer helping build fence at Freeze Fencing. Welcome to the district.
6 months ago, Meredith Feddes
Signe Freeze